Last updated on May 5th, 2023
Hi, My name is Matt and I am all about toys! I have 3 children who love nothing more than to play with their toys or build Legos with my wife or I. (our recent family picture is below)

Having the opportunity to play with toys while also purchasing them for my children has made me to realize that there are many things about these toys that I grew up playing with and current toys as well that simply are impossible to find online!
That is where this website comes in. I wanted to try and answer all of the questions about classic toys, board games, building blocks, and more that don’t have answers anywhere (at least as of now)!
All of the articles on this website are written to answer the questions that many people have but no one on other sites felt the need to give an answer to.
I hope that as you browse this site you get all of your questions answered while also learning a few things that you didn’t know before.
Toys are something that can be used to help bring families closer together. Some of my fondest memories as a child were playing with toys at Christmas or Birthdays with my parents and siblings. And now I get to do the same thing with my 3 kids (pictured below).

Although playing with toys isn’t a part of everyone’s childhood it certainly was a big part of mine and is a big part of my kids’ lives as well. So I decided to make this site to help other people get their questions about toys answered as well.
Whether you want information about toys so you can give them to your loved ones or are just curious about toys or other games I will try to help you somewhere on this site. As my kids get older I might even start writing about video games and other more electronic-type toys as they start to get more into those sorts of things (currently my two oldest love playing Mario Kart and Mario Party on the Switch).
Whatever brings you here I just want to say thanks for stopping by.